Why Your Kids Should Take Music Lessons

Logan Damery

Mon Oct 26 2020 | 5 Minute Read

We’ve all heard that music lessons are good for a child’s development but what exactly makes them so beneficial?

Key Takeaways:


Habitual Traits

If you have ever tried to learn an instrument yourself, you know that it takes time, patience and discipline. Given the circumstances of our culture, instant gratification often ruins patience and discipline development in kids. 

A qualified Cloud Music Suite instructor acts as a third party that will help enforce these traits and keep your child accountable. Especially at Cloud Music Suite, students will be able to see notes directly from their instructors in their dashboard, encouraging them to stay focused on the journey of betterment rather than the destination.

Physical and Cognitive Development 

It has been proven time and time again that music training plays a key part in a developing child’s auditory and motor skills. Simply put, this is due to the fact that playing an instrument exercises nearly every part of the brain at once. For example, as children learn to recognize and create pitches, rhythms and patterns, they are developing their cognitive system by pushing themselves to create links between the creative brain and the analytical brain. This directly builds and maintains various memory mechanisms that aren’t incorporated in most educational modalities.

Playing an instrument requires the coordination of your motor, auditory, and visual input. When a child is exposed to a series of stimuli that activates each of these senses, they are being challenged in a way that develops this coordination.

Social Skills

Music often is an activity that surrounds your kids with peers and mentors. Whether it is in choir, marching band, small group ensembles, or a rock band, your kids will constantly be developing important leadership, communication and social skills. Specifically with lessons, your child has the opportunity to work with an instructor and learn how to effectively communicate with adults in one-on-one settings.

Instructors directly challenge their students with tasks on how they can improve at their instruments. Oftentimes students have to problem solve and directly communicate their methods, thoughts, or physical sensations as it relates to a mistake or correction they made during the lesson.

Bottom Line

These arguments are just scratching the surface of the many benefits to private lessons for your children. With Cloud Music Suite’s online learning platform, you can facilitate their progress from the comfort of your own home. This will allow you to see them benefit to the degree that we have discussed, conveniently, with your direct supervision.

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